Avoidance surplus animals from laboratory animal breeding
In agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Austrian 3R Center annually dedicates itself to certain key topics. This event focusses on non-used animals from laboratory animal breeding.
In the breeding of laboratory animals, a large number of so-called surplus animals are inevitably produced, which cannot be used in research. In science, the aim is to achieve reproducibility of experiments, which can only be guaranteed if the animals used are as identical as possible and have one and the same genetic background, the same age and even the same sex. All others are eliminated.
The mouse, in particular genetically modified mouse strains, is considered the most widely used model organism in biomedical research. However, the breeding of these special mouse lines requires an appropriate strategy to minimize the production of surplus animals..
Biomodellen (The 3R Society)
Postfach 0014
A-8036 Graz