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Friday, 11 22 2024

Anaesthesia and analgesia in mice in severe experimental procedures

Dr.med.vet. Iris Wiederstein-Grasser (Diplomate ECVAA, EBVS® - European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia) from the Division of Biomedical Research at the Medical University of Graz will give a lecture on November 22, 2024 at 10:00 am on anesthesia and analgesia in mice in animal experiments with severity level "severe".

*Veterinarians receive training hours from the Austrian Veterinary Chamber for this lecture.

Friday, 10 25 2024

Presicion Cut Organ Slices

Dr.rer.nat. Melina Hardt, MSc from the Medical University of Graz will give a lecture on Presicion Cut Organ Slices on October 25, 2024 at 10:00 am.

Monday, 09 30 2024

Water Chemistry in Aquatic Husbandry

Matthias Nowak from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) will give a lecture on water chemistry in aquatic husbandry on September 30, 2024 at 10:00 am.

Wednesday, 08 28 2024

Current evidence of relative humidity’s impact on laboratory animal welfare, physiology and pathology

Hannah Louise Zakariassen Postdoc, PhD, DVM from Scanbur will give an online lecture on the influence of relative humidity on the well-being, physiology and pathology of laboratory animals on August 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm.

Monday, 07 29 2024

Von Mäusen und Menschen: Neue Ansätze zur Erforschung von Lungenmakrophagen und Atemwegsinfektionen

Anna-Dorothea Gorki, Phd, this year's winner of the State Prize for the Promotion of Alternative Methods to Animal Experiments, will present her lung cell culture model as part of our online seminar series on July 29, 2024 at 3 p.m..

Language: German

Follow the link to the publication

Online-Seminar-Series: Optimizing human infection models for drug repurposing

Prof. Dr. Doris Wilflingseder from the Medical University of Innsbruck and deputy chairwoman of The RepRefRed-Society held a talk in the third episode of our Online-Seminar-Series. After outlining the necessity of high-throughput in-vitro human infection models to accelerate the repurposing of already available drugs (which has been proven of utmost importance during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic) she shared some fascinating insights into the current work of her team, wich will be published in the near future alongside the recorded talk. We would like to thank you for your outstanding presentation!

Online Seminar Series: Refinement of Anaesthesia in Laboratory Animals

Anaesthesia and analgesia in laboratory animals can be a challenge: requirements of the experiment may collide with welfare and ideal management of the individual animal. Therefore, a balance between the interaction of anaesthetics with the data and an adequate level of anaesthesia with stable vital parameters needs to be established. Priv.-Doz. Dr.med.vet. Dipl.ACVAA Eva Eberspächer-Schweda (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna) presented us possible improvements in laboratory animal anesthesia and analgesia in the seventh lecture of our online seminar series.

Online Seminar Series: Circumventing immunization by in vitro directed evolution and selection of human antibodies from large surface display libraries

With the recommendation of the EURL ECVAM (ESAC) torwards an animal free antibody generation methods like the phage display are increasingly moving into the focus. Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Florian Rüker (Head of Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, BOKU) was presenting us the method of phage display and its pros and cons in the sixth talk of our online seminar series.

Online Seminar Series: Turning apples into oranges - Towards a transparent methodology for the harm-benefit analysis

Univ. Prof. Dr. Herwig Grimm (Head of the Department Ethics and Human-Animal Studies at the Messerli Research Institute in Vienna) was adressing the pros and cons of various approaches to the harm-benefit analysis (HBA) in the fifth talk of our online seminar series. Comparing the main arguments of both metric and the discourse model he outlined a strategy how one could combine these strategies to facilitate evaluation.

Wednesday, 02 10 2021

In our fourth talk Urte Jaeh (EU Scientific Service Support Manager, Charles River) informed about strategies on how to improve genetic monitoring, archiving and background definition of various mouse strains in order to increase the robustness of scientific results. We especially recommend this talk to everyone involved in the breeding management of animal facilities! Thank you for your insights!

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Old pills, new opportunities
Thursday, 01 14 2021

Old pills, new opportunities: Optimizing human infection models for drug repurposing

In the third episode of the RepRefRed online seminar series, Prof. Dr. Doris Wilflingseder, Deputy Director at the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology at the Medical University of Innsbruck and Vice President of the RepRefRed Society, gave a lecture on the necessity of human high-throughput in-vitro infection models. The audience was able to gain interesting insights into the current work of Prof. Dr. Wilflingseder's team, which - as soon as the work has been published in the near future - will be available as a recording as usual. Thank you very much for this great lecture!

Thursday, 12 10 2020

In the second episode of our RepRefRed-Online-Seminar-Series, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Ausserlechner from the Medical University of Innsbruck gave the audience an insight into 3D- Bioprinting, the pitfalls of 2D-cell cultures and animal experiments in terms of translatability and how the techniques developed by his team could further improve replacement methods for animals experiments. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

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Tuesday, 11 10 2020

In the first episode of our new RepRefRed-Online-Seminar-Series Assoc. Prof. Dr. Florian Frommlet from the Medical University of Vienna held a talk on the increasingly important subject of reproducibility of scientific results in animal trials during preclinical research. Using various statistical approaches he tested common practices for methodological flaws and gave recommendations on how to improve reproducibility in animal trials. This way detecting and therefore preventing errors from happening during the planning stage of study design should become easier, which will eventually lead to less animals used in preclinical research. Thank you for your interesting talk!

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Online Seminar Series: A Challenging Way to Animal Free Cell Culture
Friday, 10 22 2021

The recording of our last online seminar is now online! We would like to thank Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Claudia Bernecker and Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Beate Rinner for their interesting presentation!

Online Seminar Series: A Challenging Way to Animal Free Cell Culture
Friday, 10 22 2021

The recording of our last online seminar is now online! We would like to thank Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Claudia Bernecker and Assoz. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Beate Rinner for their interesting presentation!

Online-Seminar-Series: Charles River | Scientific Reproducibility, Biosecurity and the 3Rs
Monday, 11 29 2021

When managing animal colonies one question often arises: when does it make sense to breed models in-house, and when is it best to obtain them from a qualified vendor? To this end we are pleased to announce that we are co-hosting an online seminar with Charles River on December 14, 2021 that will address this question as well as the associated considerations.

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Friday, 05 27 2022

In agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Austrian 3R Center annually dedicates itself to certain key topics. This event focusses on non-used animals from laboratory animal breeding.

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Thursday, 10 20 2022

Severe Suffering in Animal Experiments and How to Refine

In agreement with the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, the Austrian 3R Center annually dedicates itself to certain key topics. This event focusses on severe suffering in animal experiments and how to refine animal experiments of severe suffering.

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On 21st of April our A3RC Online Event with the title "Towards replacement of animal-derived components in physiologically relevant human in vitro models" took place. Informative presentations were given by researchers from the Medical Universities of Graz and Innsbruck as well as from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna about alternative possibilities to the use of animals or animal products in research.

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funded by the: BM
Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Alternativen
Biomodellen (The 3R Society)
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A-8036 Graz