Cell Culture Days 2025
Von 14. - 15. Mai 2025 finden an der Medizinischen Universität Graz die Cell Culture Days 2025 statt. 2014 von Beate Rinner (CellBank, Medizinischen Universität Graz) und der ÖGfZ ins Leben gerufen, findet dieses informative Meeting bereits zum 7. Mal statt und bietet seinen Teilnehmer*innen vielfältige Vorträge und Workshops im Bereich der Zellkultur.
Scientific Hosts:
Beate Rinner und Alexander Deutsch von der Medizinischen Universität Graz
- Biomaterial & Cell Culture
- 3D Culture & Organoids
- Cell Treatment & Metabolism & Immune Cells
- Cell Banks & Primary Cells & Cell Models
- Cell Immunity
- The Importance of High Quality hPSC Cultures Maintenance, Assessment and Implications of hPSC Culture Quality
- Reproducibility in Cell Culture: Mastering Challenges with hands on Tips & Tricks
- Functional and Metabolic Assays in Liver Organoids
- Gene Editing Tools
- Measuring and Modulating Cell Death
Die Registrierung ist bis 23. April 2025 möglich.
Hier geht es zur Registrierung
Vorläufiges Programm
8:15 - 9:00 REGISTRATION
9:00 - 9:15 WELCOME COFFEE
9:15 - 11:00 SESSION I Biomaterial & Cell Culture
- New Approaches for Crosslinking and 3D Printing of Hydrogels - Rupert Kargl
- Developement of Apatite-based Materials for the Bone Graft and Cancer-killing Applications - Vincent Irawan
- In- Air Microfluidics for Tissue Engineering - Carole Planchette
- Bridging the Gap: Patient-Derived Skin Biopsies for Advanced Wound Healing Models - Petra Kotzbeck
- TBA - Monika Staniszewska
11:00 - 11:15 COFFEE BREAK
11:15 - 13:15 SESSION II 3D Culture & Organoids
- Modeling Nutrient Restriction In Vitro - Jelena Krstic
- Autologous Tumor Models - Djenana Vejzovic
- Modeling the Tumor Microenvironment in Advanced Patient-derived Tumoroids - Gerda Egger
- The IL-23/IL-17 Axis in Lung Inflammation - Eva Böhm
- Seeing Cells in a New Light: Next-Generation Biosensors for Signaling and Metabolism - Yusuf Ceyhun Erdogan
- Genome Engineering Approaches to Model Myeloid Leukemogenesis - Johannes Foßelteder
13:15 - 14:15 LUNCH
14:15 - 15:45 WORKSHOP SESSION I
- A) The Importance of High-Quality hPSC Cultures - Maintenance, Assessment and Implications of hPSC Culture Quality Christina Karner & Katarina Pankova
- B) Reproducibility in Cell Culture: Mastering Challenges with hands-on Tips & Tricks
Philipp Paulitschke - C) Functional and Metabolic Assays in Liver Organoids
Jelena Krstic - D) Gene Editing Tools
Johannes Fosselteder
15:45 - 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
- A) Measuring and Modulating Cell Death
Michael Dengler - B) Gene Editing Tools
Johannes Fosselteder - C) Functional and Metabolic Assays in Liver Organoids
Jelena Krstic
„Climb the Grazer Schlossberg” in different ways
9:00 - 10:45 SESSION III Cell Treatment & Metabolism & Immune Cells
- BrusIQ a New Treatment Option for High Grade B Cell Lymphoma - Martha Szmyra-Polomka
- Oncolytic Adenovirus Immunotherapy for Mesothelioma: Mechanisms, In Vitro Studies, and Preclinical Evidence - Lukas Kuryk
- Lipid Emulsions as a Paradigm Shift in Chemotherapy - Birgit Steiner-Zitzenbacher
- Which Mast Cell Model Fits Best for My Research? - Andrea Teufelsberger
- TBA - Franziska Schmidt
10:45 - 11:00 COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 12:45 SESSION IV Cellbanks & Primary Cells & Cell Models
- The CellBank Graz - Beate Rinner
- Banking Workflows of Tumor and iPS Cell Lines at the DSMZ - Laura Steenpass
- Human Telomerized Cell Lines for the Establishment of Relevant and Standardizable In Vitro Tests and for Production of Extracellular Vesicles - Regina Grillari
- Unmasking Microbial Infections with Human Respiratory Barrier Models - Doris Wilflingseder
- TBA - Carina Hromada
12:45 - 13:45 LUNCH
13:45 - 15:30 SESSION V Cell Immunity
- NR4A1 Regulates Anti Tumor Immune Responses in Aggressive Lymphoma - Alexander Deutsch
- Microscopic Assessment of T-cell Cytotoxicity Utilizing Co-Culture Approaches - Helmut Bischof
- TBA - Jakov Korzhenevich
- Retrieval and Characterisation of Cancer-Specific TCRs - Lea Knezevic
- Engineering CAR T Cells vs. AML - Jan Müller
15:30 - 15:45 COFFEE BREAK
- A) The Importance of High-Quality hPSC Cultures - Maintenance, Assessment and Implications of hPSC Culture Quality Christina Karner & Katarina Pankova
- B) Reproducibility in Cell Culture: Mastering Challenges with hands-on Tips & Tricks
Philipp Paulitschke - C) Measuring and Modulating Cell Death
Michael Dengler
Helmut Bischof - Medical University of Graz
Eva Böhm - Medical University of Graz
Michael Dengler - Medical University of Graz
Gerda Egger - Medical University of Vienna
Yusuf Ceyhun Erdogan - Medical University of Graz
Johannes Foßelteder - Medical University of Graz
Regina Grillari - Evercyte, Vienna
Carina Hromada - LBI, Vienna
Vincent Irawan - Technical University of Munich
Rupert Kargl - Technical University of Graz
Lea Knezevic - Medical University of Vienna
Jakov Korzhenevich - Medical University of Vienna
Petra Kotzbeck - Joanneum Reserach
Jelena Krstic - Medical University of Graz
Lukas Kuryk - University of Helsinki
Jan Müller - Medical University of Innsbruck
Katarina Pankova - Stemcell Technologies
Philipp Paulitschke - Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Carole Planchette - Technical University of Graz
Franziska Schmidt - Medical University of Vienna
Monika Staniszewska - University of Technology, Warsaw
Laura Steenpass - DSMZ, Germany
Birgit Steiner-Zitzenbacher - Medical University of Graz
Martha Szmyra-Polomka - Medical University of Graz
Andrea Teufelberger - Medical University of Graz
Djenana Vejzovic - Medical University of Graz
Doris Wilflingseder - VetMedVienna
Biomodellen (The 3R Society)
Postfach 0014
A-8036 Graz